
58-31-8 Anto, Mikuni, Sakai-City, Fukui-Pref. 913-0064

©2024 Morris Resort Allrights Reserved.


Conditions for Accommodation Contrac

Article 1 (Scope of application)

Accommodation contracts and related contracts that this facility concludes with customers shall be as stipulated in these terms and conditions, and matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions shall be governed by laws and regulations or generally established customs.

If this facility agrees to a special agreement within the scope of laws and customs, that special agreement shall take precedence, regardless of the provisions of the preceding paragraph.

Applications made from various reservation sites other than the official website are also subject to these terms and conditions.

Article 2 (Application for accommodation contract)

Customers wishing to enter into an accommodation contract with this facility must provide the following information to the facility.

Guest name

Accommodation date and estimated time of arrival

Accommodation fee

Contact information that can be reached on the day

Other matters deemed necessary by this facility

If a guest requests accommodation beyond the accommodation date set forth in item 2 of the preceding paragraph during their stay, this facility will treat the request as having been applied for a new accommodation contract at the time the request is made.


Article 3 (Establishment of accommodation contract, etc.)

The accommodation contract shall be concluded when this facility accepts the application set forth in the preceding article. However, this does not apply if the facility proves that there is no consent.

If an accommodation contract is established pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the full amount of the accommodation application fee shall be paid at the time of making the reservation application from our official website or the website of the accommodation reservation site management company.

The application deposit will be applied to the final accommodation fee payable by the guest, and if the provisions of Article 6 and Article 18 apply, the application fee will be applied to the cancellation fee and compensation in that order. If there is any remaining amount, it will be refunded at the time of payment in accordance with Article 12.

According to the provisions of the same paragraph, if the application fee set forth in Paragraph 2 is not paid at the time of application, the accommodation contract shall become invalid. However, this only applies if the facility notifies the guest of the due date for payment of the application fee.

Advance payment of accommodation fees is limited to the payment methods provided on our official website and the website of the internet accommodation reservation site operator.


Article 4 (Special agreement with no application fee required)

Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the preceding article, this facility may accept special agreements that do not require payment of the application fee set forth in the same paragraph after the conclusion of the contract.

When accepting an application for an accommodation contract, if the hotel does not request payment of the application deposit as set forth in Paragraph 2 of the preceding article, or if the hotel does not specify the date for payment of the application deposit, the special agreement will be treated as accepted.


Article 5 (Refusal of conclusion of accommodation contract)

This facility may not accept the conclusion of an accommodation contract in the following cases.

When the application for accommodation does not comply with these terms and conditions.

If there are no vacancies due to full occupancy.

When it is recognized that there is a risk that the person attempting to stay at the hotel may commit an act that violates laws and regulations or public order and morals.

When it is clearly recognized that the person seeking accommodation is suffering from an infectious disease.

In the event that there is any act of making violent demands on the facility or its employees, or any act of demanding a burden that exceeds a reasonable range. Or if it is recognized that similar acts have occurred in the past.

When accommodation is not possible due to natural disasters, facility failures, or other unavoidable reasons.

When the person attempting to stay overnight is deemed to be drunk or otherwise likely to cause a significant nuisance to other guests and neighboring residents. Or, if there is an act that causes significant inconvenience to other customers.

When the person seeking accommodation is a member of an organized crime group or a person associated with an organized crime group as defined in Article 2, Item 6 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Article 77 of 1991). If the person is recognized to be a person affiliated with a company or organization that owns a company or organization, item 2 of Article 2 of the Act, or a person affiliated with an anti-social force.

If the person requesting accommodation is a minor and does not have the written consent of a guardian.

If the person seeking accommodation is a foreigner and is unable to present their residence card or passport by the date of accommodation.


Article 6 (Guest’s right to cancel contract)

If the guest wishes to cancel the accommodation contract, he or she may notify the Company, or do so through the Company’s official website or the website of the internet accommodation reservation site operator.

In the event that the accommodation contract is canceled in whole or in part due to the fault of the guest (in the event that the facility requests payment by specifying the payment date of the application fee pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 2), (excluding cases where the guest cancels the accommodation contract before the payment is made), a penalty fee will be charged as specified in the attached table. However, if the facility accepts the special agreement set forth in Article 4, Paragraph 1, the facility will comply with the special agreement only if the guest is notified of the obligation to pay a penalty if the guest cancels the accommodation contract.

If the guest does not contact us and does not arrive at the facility even after 3:00 p.m. on the day of the stay (if the expected arrival time is specified in advance, the final time will be 6:00 p.m. on the day of the stay). In such cases, the accommodation contract may be treated as having been canceled by the guest.

If the following a) to d) apply, no penalty will be charged for cancellation of the accommodation contract by the customer.

If a guest or a relative within the second degree dies and a copy of a doctor’s death certificate is submitted to the facility within 3 weeks from the date of contract cancellation.

If a guest is involved in an unexpected accident or other incident. However, this is limited to cases where a Japanese public institution recognizes that the guest is not at fault, and only when the public institution contacts them. We will contact you on the landline telephone number of the public institution and inform you of your consent to cancel the contract.

If you are unable to arrive due to the public transportation you planned to use for check-in.

However, this only applies if you submit a delay certificate or flight cancellation certificate issued by a transportation agency to us within one week from the date of contract cancellation. When contacting us for cancellation, please be sure to honestly state the departure and arrival points, flight number, train name, etc. of the public transportation you are using.

If a cancellation request is made by the above penalty date and we approves the cancellation.


Article 7 (Right to cancel contract of this facility)

We may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases.

When it is recognized that the Guest is likely to commit an act that violates lodging-related laws and regulations, public order, or good morals, or when it is recognized that there is a risk of such behavior.

If the guest is clearly found to be suffering from a contagious disease.

In the event that there is any act of making violent demands on the facility or its employees, or any act of demanding a burden that exceeds a reasonable range. Or if it is recognized that similar acts have occurred in the past.

When accommodation is not possible due to force majeure such as natural disasters.

When the person attempting to stay overnight is deemed to be drunk or otherwise likely to cause a significant nuisance to other guests and neighboring residents. Or, if there is an act that causes significant inconvenience to other customers.

When the person seeking accommodation is a member of an organized crime group or a person associated with an organized crime group as stipulated in Article 2, Item 6 of the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Article 77 of 1991). If the person is recognized as a person affiliated with a company or organization that falls under Article 2, Item 2 of the same law.

When smoking while sleeping in the bedroom, tampering with fire extinguishing equipment, etc., or otherwise not following the prohibition of use stipulated by this facility, such as prohibiting wearing shoes.

When this facility cancels the accommodation contract based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the guest will not be charged for accommodation services, etc. that have not yet been provided to the guest.


Article 8 (Registration of accommodation)

Guests must register the following information in each accommodation building of our facility on the day of their stay.

Guest’s name, age, gender, address, occupation

For foreigners, nationality, passport number, place of entry, and date of entry

Departure date and scheduled departure time

Other matters deemed necessary by this facility

If you are a foreigner who does not have an address in Japan, you will be asked to present your passport and a copy.

If the guest wishes to pay for the charges by cash, credit card designated by the hotel, or by a method other than electronic payment, the guest must present these at the time of membership registration and obtain approval from the hotel.


Article 9 (Room usage hours)

Guests staying overnight can use the service from 3pm on the day of arrival to 11am on the day of departure. However, if you stay for consecutive nights, you can use it all day except for the day of arrival and departure.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, guest rooms may be permitted to be used outside of the hours set forth in the same paragraph. In this case, the following additional charges will apply.

20,000 yen (excluding tax) per room for each extra hour


Article 10 (Compliance with Terms of Use)

While inside the facility, guests must comply with the usage rules established by the facility and posted within the facility.


Article 11 (Business hours)

Changes to business days and details will be announced on our official website.

Emergency contact information will be posted in the facility.


Article 12 (Payment of fees)

Payment for accommodation fees, etc. shall be made using the payment methods listed on our official website and the website of the accommodation reservation site operator on the Internet.

Even if the guest voluntarily does not stay in the room after the Company has provided the guest with a room and the guest has made it available for use, the accommodation fee will be charged.


Article 13 (Responsibility of this facility)

We will compensate the guest for any damage caused to the guest in the performance of the accommodation contract and related contracts, or as a result of non-fulfilling facilities. However, this does not apply if the damage is due to reasons not attributable to our company.

Our facility has inn liability insurance in case of fire.


Article 14 (Handling when the contracted guest room cannot be provided)

If the facility is unable to provide the guest with the guest’s contracted room, the facility will, with the guest’s consent, arrange for another accommodation facility with the same conditions as possible.

Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if this facility is unable to arrange other accommodations, we will pay the guest a compensation fee equivalent to the penalty fee, and the compensation fee will be applied to the amount of compensation for damages. However, if we are unable to provide the room through no fault of ours, we will not pay compensation.


Article 15 (Handling of deposited goods, etc.)

Our accommodation facility does not store items left by guests.

2. In the event that any goods, cash or valuables brought into the premises of the accommodation by the guest are lost, damaged or otherwise caused by the intention or negligence of the accommodation, the accommodation shall We will compensate for the damage. However, for items for which the type and value have not been disclosed in advance by the guest, the accommodation will compensate for damages up to 50,000 yen, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the accommodation.


Article 16 (Storage of guest’s baggage or personal effects)

If the guest’s luggage or personal effects remain at the hotel after the guest has checked out, the facility will handle them as follows as permitted by law:

(1) Cash: We will keep it at our facility for 7 days including the day it was discovered and then deliver it to the nearest police station.

(2) Food and beverages, fresh flowers, and items that rot or emit strange odors will be disposed of on the same day they are discovered, regardless of price, length of consumption, etc.

(3)Other items: The items will be stored at our facility for 7 days including the date of discovery, and then disposed of.

2. In order to appropriately dispose of left behind baggage or personal effects, the hotel will voluntarily check the contents and, if necessary, return it to the owner or follow the instructions in the preceding paragraph. We will take the necessary steps. We will dispose of it based on the following. Guests cannot object to this.

3. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the responsibility for the storage of the guest’s baggage or personal effects at the accommodation facility shall be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of the preceding article.

Based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if the Company causes damage to the Guest due to intention or negligence on the part of the Company with respect to the storage of the Guest’s baggage or personal effects, the Company will compensate the Guest for the damage up to 50,000 yen.


Article 17 (Parking Responsibility)

When a customer uses our parking lot, we rent out the space and are not responsible for managing the vehicle. However, if damage is caused intentionally or negligently by our company in managing the parking lot, we will be responsible for compensation.

If a customer uses a parking lot other than our accommodation facility, our company will not be held responsible or liable for any damages.

In the event that a problem arises with neighboring residents in the parking lot due to the Guest’s intention or negligence, the Company will endeavor to mediate between both parties, but the Guest shall bear all responsibility. In addition, if the problem develops into a situation that affects the Company’s future operation of the accommodation facility, the Guest shall be responsible for it and be obligated to compensate the Company.


Article 18 (Responsibilities of Guests)

In the event that damage is caused to the facility due to the guest’s intentional or negligent actions, the guest will be required to compensate the Company for the damage.


Article 19 (Main language)

These terms and conditions are written in Japanese and English, but if there is any discrepancy or discrepancy between the Japanese and English versions, the Japanese version shall apply.


Article 20 (Jurisdiction and applicable law)

All disputes arising regarding accommodation contracts based on these terms and conditions and related contracts shall be resolved by the Japanese court with jurisdiction over the location of our company in accordance with Japanese law.


Attached Table/Penalty Fee (Related to Article 6, Paragraph 2)

Cancellation policy

Prices per person (room charges are per room)

Date of receipt of notice of contract cancellation Penalty fee (cancellation fee)

10 days ago             50% of accommodation fee

7 days ago             60% of accommodation fee

6 days ago             70% of accommodation fee

5 days ago             80% of accommodation fee

4 days ago             90% of accommodation fee

3 days ago ~当日           100% of accommodation fee

Non-arrival/no-show        100% of accommodation fee

(Note) If the number of contract days is shortened, a penalty fee of one day will be collected regardless of the number of days shortened.

(Note) Cancellation policy may vary depending on the date of stay.